We caution you to be alert and aware of scams. Scammers like to take advantage of fears and trending topics, such as COVID-19. If you receive a suspicious email, phone call or text message, don't respond, click on any links, or open any attachments. Always verify the authenticity of the website and the company before making a purchase or donation.
Beware of Social Engineering over the phone
Vishing combines the techniques of social engineering and phone calls to obtain sensitive information from victims. This particular technique uses a pre-recorded message to attempt to have the customer respond with debit card numbers and the associated PINs. We would like to remind you that we will not ask for card numbers or PINs over the phone and we would encourage you to contact us if you feel you might be a victim of this scam.
Beware of Phishing Attempts
Merchants State Bank would like to make its customers aware of the possibility of e-mail phishing attempts. Merchants State Bank will NEVER request your personal information via phone or e-mail. If you receive a call or e-mail asking to provide personal or sensitive information, do not respond. Even if the call or website seems genuine, do not continue. Please contact your local Merchants State Bank location immediately.